I'm proud to announce today is the 1st year anniversary of the birth of this blog,
Wenatchee Real Estate Ramblings & Other Stuff. I've enjoyed writing it and hope it's become an informational and useful resource. This was my first blog ever and was initially started as a site to discuss Wenatchee real estate (and some miscellaneous ramblings) in general, including a few personal posts.
At this stage of the blogosphere, a year is actually quite a long life for a blog. As you peruse other blogs, notice the posting dates and you will find many of them have been essentially abandoned. To do a good job of "blogging", it takes a substantial committment of time. Most people do not realize this when they start. If they do stick with it, the posts are few and far between. I believe in order to be useful, posts must be current with content and consistent.
Over the last year, I have made 115 posts to this blog, 190 posts to my residential real estate blog, and 92 to my two personal blogs. Add these up, multiply by the estimated time to research and compose and you will wonder if I have time for anything else. The answer is yes. I actually had my best selling year in 2005, so it's a matter of time management.
During the year, this blog turned more toward the investment angle, and has become more general in nature. I made this adjustment because I started
another blog last May that focuses more on residential real estate and newsworthy items that specifically affect the real estate market in Wenatchee, Washington. On that blog, I also discuss general real estate items from across the country.
If you have thoughts for improving this blog, or the other blog, please let me know. I'm always open for new ideas.