Monday, May 09, 2005

Some blogs I watch

Dear Readers,
Since I began blogging a little over a month ago, I've been browsing the internet to see what other blogs are out there. There are some interesting ones on every imagineable subject, and one I would like to suggest you check out is: The "PF" is for "personal finance" and covers a very wide array of subjects. I have it coded into my MyYahoo account, so I can check it daily. I don't read it all, of course... but I like having it there to keep my consciousness on alert in regards to a variety of financial issues. I think when someone is involved in a specific industry such as mine (Wenatchee real estate) it's easy to get tunnel vision. Plus, it's good to look at things from a variety of perspectives. Anyway, just thought you might like to check it out.

Another blog I've been watching is It's a little more "homey" than the PFblog... and you'll get a personal response if you post a comment to his blog.

Have a great week!

Realtor, ABR, e-PRO, GRI, RECS, REI
Serving all of Washington State
Specializing in Wenatchee & Surrounding Areas
Phone: 509-670-7840 * Fax: 419-818-4009

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